Agriculture and the Humboldt Broncos are two staples of our area and now Richardson Pioneer is hoping the two can come together to raise some funds for the hockey team.
Last week the “feed the herd” campaign was launched where any farmers heading to drop off grain at Richardson Pioneer can contribute a portion back to the team through either a weight or monetary donation.
Manager of Operations at Richardson Pioneer Boyd Seidle explains more.
“What we’re launching is a program where farmers can donate grain as they’re making deliveries to help support the local team and keep the team rolling through that mechanism.”
The idea was generated over the summer and once approached the local Richardson Pioneer terminal was quick to continue their long lasting fundraising partnership with the team.
“At the end of the day anything helps out the Broncos,” Seidle continued.
He expressed that they don’t need the local producers to dump off their entire trucks to the club.
“We don’t need a truckload of grain, we need bushels of grain, a tonne of grain, an acre of grain, every little bit helps and that’s all we’re asking farmers to do is help out a little bit in whatever way they can.”
Broncos Marketing Associate Devin Cannon adds that producers should have some time to decide if they do want to give back to the club.
“We’re going to keep the program running, probably close it off end of February, beginning or March somewhere in there and just kind of see where the chips fall and hopefully it’s a program we can build off of and can continue year to year.”
Ask your grain buying associate at Richardson Pioneer for more information.