The longest tenured Bronco and the Captain of the 2023-24 season, Cage Newans has committed to Vancouver Island University – BCIHL to continue his hockey and academic career for the 2024-25 season.
Newans’, a Parksville, BC naïve, long-running Broncos’ career began in the 2021/22 season after splitting his time as a rookie between the WHL and VIJHL. He established himself as an immediate leader, and heart-and-sole player every time he stepped foot on the ice.
“He’s been one of the best and most effective players in the league ever since he came to Humboldt. He’s the type of player that everyone wants on their team, and everyone else hates playing against” said Head Coach and GM, Scott Barney.
“He’s tenacious on every puck, he engaged every shift. He’s the heart and soul player you look for, and most importantly to our organization, is that he’s helped mold and shape many players with what it meant to be a Bronco for the future of the team,” Barney added.
Newans has amassed 156 regular season games with the ‘Green and Gold’, adding 58 goals and 100 assists, finishing at an over a career-point-per-game. Newans also never shied away from the physical and extracurricular side of the game, finishing with 467 penalty minutes.
“Being a Bronco for three years meant everything to me. Being able to wear that jersey every gameday, especially in front of our amazing hometown fans in the EPA is so special. Humboldt is an amazing place to play. It was the best three years of my life, and I wouldn’t change a thing. I’m looking forward to the next step, but I’m always going to wish that I could go back and throw the Broncos jersey on one more time,” said Cage Newans.
Including playoffs, Newans illustrious stat line as a Bronco is:
189gp, 70g-120a-190pts, 514pims
Newans decision to choose VIU involved his passion to enroll in forestry, while continuing to play high-level hockey.
The Humboldt Broncos and the City of Humboldt would like to congratulate and thank Cage on his incredible Bronco career and everything he’s done for the organization, as well as congratulate him on his commitment to Vancouver Island University.