The Humboldt Broncos are in need of billets for this upcoming season.
The club needs about eight homes as of now for players.
The Cannon family has two Broncos back with them this year, for Renee it’s something that has been a special part of her life going back to growing up in Nipawin.
“We billeted for a good chunk of my life and had really great experiences. This summer I was fortunate enough to take my own kids to a swim meet in Swift Current and stay with one of my former billets. Our kids got to play together, I was looking for those relationships for my kids too.”
The Cannon’s have been billeting for four years now in Humboldt. Both Rock Rucshkowski and Nic Malenica returned to their home Monday night for the season. Renee recounts the night through the eyes of Abbie and Tessa.
“My kids standing by the window waiting for those guys to come, running out into the middle of the street to hug each boy as they came into the house and watching those boys drop there stuff to hug my kids. The whole evening was about playing and catching up and laughing, that’s what it feels like all the time in my house.”
Logan Schatz is getting set for his third year with the club, he still remembers leaving home for the first time the day after his 15th birthday to play for the Beardy’s Blackhawks in the Saskatchewan AAA Midget League.
“They had two kids that I got really close with, they still come out to my house every summer for a week and we take them swimming and stuff like that. You still remember every house you billet with for sure.”
Schatz now lives with the Unger family in Humboldt. He speaks for the entire roster regarding how important and integral their billets are.
“It doesn’t matter if you have kids, there’s lots of families that have young kids with them and you form strong bonds with them and you become their family and you want to be a part of their lives. We’re all very fortunate for what every billet does in Humboldt.”
“I think it can be an amazing experience,” Cannon beamed. “It’s not about the work, it’s about a million little things that happen in your home on a day to day basis.”
Anyone that takes in player gets financial compensation plus 10 percent off groceries at the Co-op Food Store and Modern Meats to help subsidize the cost of food.
If you would like to try it out, even on a short term basis for this weekend’s camp and the preseason they would like to provide you with more information. Call the Broncos’ office at 682-5575 or the club’s billet coordinator Devin Cannon at 320-7944.