Jamie is 37 years old and is from Saskatoon SK. He currently lives in Humboldt SK, is married to Cynthia Ficko (Rath) and they have 3 children, Vosko (7), Aunika (5) and Bexley (2). Jamie is a Humboldt Broncos Alumni and played with the team from 2000-2002. Jamie works for SaskEnergy in Humboldt as their Operations Lead.
On October 11th, 2018 Jamie was diagnosed with Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia. He was admitted to hospital that same day to start immune system booster treatments for his chemotherapy treatment which started Oct. 15th. After commencing the ‘Dana Farber Protocol’, a planned 4-Phase, two and half year chemotherapy program which included radiation treatment on the central nervous system, Jamie started to develop rashes and swelling to his lymph nodes in the 9th week. On January 16th, 2019 it was confirmed that Jamie’s cancer had returned.
Jamie is now in the Saskatoon Royal University Hospital preparing to undergo a new chemotherapy mix aimed to drive the cancer into remission and enable him to undergo a stem cell infusion. Jamie’s parents have been selected as his nearest match, at 50%, and will be the donors for this infusion. Jamie has been told finding a 100% match will be difficult given his rare stem cell type. All of Jamie’s family and friends are working hard to raise awareness of the importance of becoming a stem cell donor in support of Jamie and all those who find themselves undergoing these same battles of trying to find a perfect match.
On behalf of Jamie, his immediate and extended family, and all his many friends – we sincerely thank Hockey Gives Blood for raising awareness for Jamie, his wife Cyndi and their three children.
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